
Friday, April 4, 2014

String Searching Function in C

Nothing much to say, here I present you with a searching function. It takes
two-character string (array) as the argument and finds the position of the second
string in the first. For example, if the two arrays passed to the function have
the following values:

String 1: ”I like C++”

String 2: “C++”

then the function will return 7, because as an array, string 1 has the word
C++ starting from the index number 7.

If the function cannot find the second string inside first then it will return
the value -1, indicating that the search was unsuccessful.

The program below is easy to understand; therefore, I have left it up to you
to understand how it is working.

   //C++ program which searches for a substring
//in the main string
int search(char *string, char *substring);

void main(void)
char s1[50], s2[30];
int n;

puts("Enter main string: ");
puts("Enter substring: ");

puts("Index Number: ");
printf("%d", n);
puts("The substring cannot be found...");

//this function takes two arguments
//first is the pointer to the main
//string and second argument is the
//pointer to the substring
//it returns the index number of the
//main string where the substring is found
int search(char *string, char *substring)
int i=0,j=0, yes=0, index;


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